Download Imagemagick Mac

To further enhance the capabilities of GraphicsMagick, you may want toget these programs or libraries. Note that these packages are alreadyintegrated into the GraphicsMagick Mercurial repository for use whenbuilding under Microsoft Windows:

  • GraphicsMagick requires the BZLIB library from

    to read and write BZip compressed MIFF images.

  • GraphicsMagick requires 'ralcgm' from

    to read the Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) image format. You alsoneed Ghostscript and Ghostscript Fonts (see below).

  • GraphicsMagick requires 'dcraw' (version 8.95 or later) from

    to read raw images from digital cameras. Dcraw is invokedautomatically when used to read files using a common RAW file formatextension.

  • GraphicsMagick requires 'fig2dev' provided in the transfig packagefrom

    to read the Fig image format. Ghostscript and Ghostscript Fonts (seebelow) are also required.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the FreeType software, version 2.0 or above,available as

    to annotate with TrueType and Postscript Type 1 fonts.

  • GraphicsMagick requires Ghostscript software available from

    to read the Postscript or the Portable Document Format (PDF).

    Ghostscript Fonts (also known as 'URW Standard postscript fonts(cyrillicized)') are available from

    Ghostscript (at the time this text is written in October, 2018) hasbeen observed to have severe security issues when reading untrustedPostscript files (does not apply to PDF). Examples of these severesecurity issues are being tricked into reading or writing arbitraryfiles when executing in '-dSAFER' mode, which which is supposed toprevent such access. Users of Ghostscript who may encounteruntrusted Postscript files are recommended to assure that allsecurity patches have been applied and it might be necessary to usethe latest upstream release.

    Ghostscript is available for use under both free (GPL) andcommercial licenses. We are not lawyers so we can not provideadvice as to when the commercial license from Artifex is required.Please make sure that you are aware of Ghostscript licencing andusage terms if you plan to use it in some sort of commercialsituation.

    Ghostscript (release 7.0 and later) may optionally install a library(libgs) under Linux. If this library is installed, GraphicsMagick maybe configured to use it. We do NOT recommend using this libraryunder Unix type systems. The Ghostscript library does not supportconcurrency since only one instance of the interpreter is available.Unix systems will obtain better performance from executing Ghostscript asan external process since then multiple interpreters may execute atonce on multiple CPU cores.

    If the Ghostscript library is used, then please be aware thatGhostscript provides its own modified version of libjpeg andlibJasper while GraphicsMagick will be using these libraries asprovided with the system. If Ghostscript is not using the samelibraries, then identically named symbols may be used from the wrongcode, causing confusion or a program crash. If conflicts cause JPEGto fail (JPEG returns an error regarding expected structure sizes),it may be necessary to use Ghostscript's copy of libjpeg forGraphicsMagick, and all delegate libraries which depend on libjpeg,or convince Ghostscript to build against an unmodified installedJPEG library (and lose compatibility with some Postscript files).

  • GraphicsMagick requires hp2xx available from

    to read the HP-GL image format. Note that HPGL is a plotter fileformat. HP printers usually accept PCL format rather than HPGLformat. Ghostscript (see above) is also required.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the lcms library (2.0 or later) availablefrom

    to perform ICC CMS color management.

  • GraphicsMagick requires Graphviz available from

    to read Graphvis 'dot' digraph files (with extension dot).Ghostscript (see above) is also required.

  • GraphicsMagick requires html2ps available from

    to rasterize HTML files. Ghostscript (see above) is also required.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the JBIG-Kit software available viaHTTP from

    to read and write the JBIG image format.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the WebP library version 0.1.99 (or later)available via HTTPS from

    to read and write the WebP image format.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the Independent JPEG Group's softwareavailable from

    or libjpeg-turbo available from or

    to read and write the JPEG v1 image format. The 'turbo' releasesare much faster than the IJG releases on certain targets (due tousing assembly code and other optimizations), but lack theSmartScale JPEG extension introduced in IJG JPEG v8, and thelossless coding mode JPEG extension introduced in IJG JPEG v9 (whichis not compatible with standard lossless JPEG!).

    GraphicsMagick supports both 8-bit and 12-bit JPEG, butunfortunately it does not yet support both at once.

    Apply this JPEG patch to Independent JPEG Group's (6b release!)source distribution if you want to read lossless jpeg-encoded DICOM(medical) images:

    Use of lossless JPEG is not encouraged. Unless you have a requirementto read lossless jpeg-encoded DICOM images, please disregard the patch.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the JasPer Project's JasPer library from (although older versionsback to 1.701.0 are still available via http from the original website at to read and writethe JPEG-2000 format. Due to security concerns, using the latestversion of JasPer is recommended.

    Please note that JasPer 1.900.1 may have a problem when used withGraphicsMagick's modules build. To solve this problem, edit the filesrc/libjasper/base/jas_init.c and comment out the line which invokesatexit().

  • On Unix-type systems, Windows/MinGW, and Windows/Cygwin,GraphicsMagick requires libltdl from libtool in order to supportbuilding GraphicsMagick with dynamically loadable modules. Libtoolis available via anonymous FTP from

  • GraphicsMagick requires the MPEG utilities from the MPEG SoftwareSimulation Group, which are available via anonymous FTP as

    to read or write the MPEG image format.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the LIBPNG library, version 1.0 or above, from

    to read or write the PNG, MNG, or JNG image formats. LIBPNG dependsupon the ZLIB library (see below).

  • GraphicsMagick requires Sam Leffler's TIFF software available viaHTTP at

    to read the TIFF image format. It in turn optionally requires theJPEG and ZLIB libraries. Libtiff 3.8.2 or later is recommended.

  • GraphicsMagick may optionally use the TRIO library from

    to substitute for the vsnprintf function when the operating systemdoes not provide one. Older operating systems (e.g. Solaris 2.5)may not provide a vsnprintf function. If vsnprintf (or the TRIOreplacement) is not used, then vsprintf is used instead, whichdecreases the security of GraphicsMagick due to possible bufferoverrun exploits.

  • GraphicsMagick may optionally use the 'tcmalloc' library provided aspart of Google gperftools available from

    to provide enhanced versions of the standard memory allocationfacilities. Use of tcmalloc may improve performance for bothsingle-threaded and multi-threaded programs. Benchmarking underLinux shows a doubling of performance with tcmalloc over the defaultglibc malloc when images are repeatedly allocated, cleared, andde-allocated.

  • GraphicsMagick may optionally use the umem memory allocation librarywhich is included in Sun's Solaris operating system, andOpenSolaris/Illumos derivatives, or available from

    to provide enhanced versions of the standard memory allocationfacilities. Use of umem may improve performance for multi-threadedprograms and provides access to debugging features that detect memoryleaks, buffer overruns, multiple frees, use of uninitialized data, useof freed data, and many other common programming errors.

  • GraphicsMagick requires libwmflite from libwmf 0.2.5 (or later) from

    to render files in the Windows Meta File (WMF) metafile format(16-bit WMF files only, not 32-bit 'EMF'). This is the formatcommonly used for Windows clipart (available on CD at your localcomputer or technical book store). WMF support requires the FreeType2 library in order to render TrueType and Postscript fonts.

    While GraphicsMagick uses the libwmflite (parser) component of thelibwmf package which does not depend on any special libraries, thelibwmf package as a whole depends on FreeType 2 and either thexmlsoft libxml, or expat libraries. Since GraphicsMagick already useslibxml (for reading SVG and to retrieve files via HTTP or FTP), it isrecommended that the options '--without-expat --with-xml' be suppliedto libwmf's configure script. If the other features of libwmf arenot needed, then the '--disable-heavy' option may be used to onlybuild libwmflite.

    GraphicsMagick's WMF renderer provides some of the finest WMFrendering available due its use of antialiased drawing algorithms.You may select a background color or texture image to render on. Forexample, '-background '#ffffffff' renders on a transparentbackground while '-texture plasma:fractal' renders on a fractal image.

    A free set of Microsoft Windows fonts may be retrieved from Note that the licensefor these fonts requires that they be distributed in the original.exe form, but the Linux folks have found ways to deal with that onnon-Windows systems.

  • GraphicsMagick requires an X server for the 'display', 'animate', and'import' functions to work properly. Unix systems usually provide an Xserver as part of their standard installation. For MacOS-X, X11 is asystem install time option.

    A free X server for Microsoft Windows is included as part ofCygwin and may be selected from the Cygwin installer. Cygwin isavailable from

    There is a nearly free X server available for Windows and Macintosh at

  • GraphicsMagick requires libxml2 available from

    to read the SVG image format and to retrieve files from over anetwork via FTP and HTTP.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the liblzma library from XZ Utils available from

    to support TIFF with LZMA compression and future LZMA-compressionfeatures (yet to be developed). The utilities from this package arealso necessary in order to decompress GraphicsMagick packagesdistributed with '.xz' or '.lzma' extensions.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the ZLIB library from

    to read or write the PNG or Zip compressed MIFF images.

  • GraphicsMagick requires the Zstandard (Zstd) library from


    to read or write Zstd compressed TIFF images. In the future it islikely that other purposes will be found for Zstd.

  • GraphicsMagick may require the deflate library to link with libtiff.

    Libtiff may optionally depend on the libdeflate library (from Linking with thislibrary may be necessary for builds where libtiff depends onlibdeflate.

The application supports the Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and iOS operating systems. Both binary and source archives are available for download, and runs on either 64-bit or 32-bit instruction set architectures. Overall, ImageMagick is the best image manipulation software that was invented for the Linux operating system. In Release you can find current binary version for Windows (8.1 and newer) and Linux. Unzip downloaded fotokilof-. optionaly make shortcut on the desktop, run fotokilof. But the best way is to install: fresh ImageMagick (remember to add path into%PATH% environment variable during installation).

Unix Binary Release • Mac OS X Binary Release • iOS Binary Release • Windows Binary Release

You can install ImageMagick from source. However, if you don't have a proper development environment or if you're anxious to get started, download a ready-to-run Unix or Windows executable. Before you download, you may want to review recent changes to the ImageMagick distribution.

Download Source Code. Source code packages for the latest stable and development versions of Graphviz are available, along with instructions for anonymous access to the sources using Git. Executable Packages. Packages marked with an asterisk(.) are provided by outside parties.

ImageMagick source and binary distributions are available from a variety of FTP and Web mirrors around the world.

Unix Binary Release

These are the Unix variations that we support. If your system is not on the list, try installing from source. Although ImageMagick runs fine on a single core computer, it automagically runs in parallel on multi-core systems reducing run times considerably.

magickComplete portable application on Linux, no installation required. Just download and run. AppImages require FUSE to run. Many distributions have a working FUSE setup out-of-the-box. However if it is not working for you, you may need to install and configure FUSE manually.
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44.x86_64.rpmRedhat / CentOS 7.1 x86_64 RPM
ImageMagick-libs-7.0.10-44.x86_64.rpmRedhat / CentOS 7.1 x86_64 RPM
ImageMagick RPM'sDevelopment, Perl, C++, and documentation RPM's.
ImageMagick-i386-pc-solaris2.11.tar.gzSolaris Sparc 2.11

Verify its message digest.

What about using Homebrew to install Java? Mac users/developers should know how to manage software installation via Homebrew theses days. Check this out: brew info java Error: No available formula with the name 'java' Found a cask named 'java' instead. As stated in homebrew-cask-versions#7253 1, Java 1.8 is no longer freely available from Oracle. Users who wish to continue using Oracle JDK 1.8 will have to download and install it manually from Oracle’s website, which now requires registration. Run Java programs but not develop them: Download and install the JRE for your platform: Develop Java applications: Download and install the Java Development Kit (JDK) for your platform. The JDK includes the JRE, so you do not have to download both separately. Use JRE on a server but do not want the ability to run rich internet applications (RIAs).

ImageMagick RPM's are self-installing. Simply type the following command and you're ready to start using ImageMagick:

Download Imagemagick For Windows

You'll need the libraries as well:

Note, if there are missing dependencies, install them from the EPEL repo.

For other systems, create (or choose) a directory to install the package into and change to that directory, for example:

Next, extract the contents of the package. For example:

Set the MAGICK_HOME environment variable to the path where you extracted the ImageMagick files. For example:

If the bin subdirectory of the extracted package is not already in your executable search path, add it to your PATH environment variable. For example:

On Linux and Solaris machines add $MAGICK_HOME/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

Finally, to verify ImageMagick is working properly, type the following on the command line:

Congratulations, you have a working ImageMagick distribution under Unix or Linux and you are ready to use ImageMagick to convert, compose, or edit your images or perhaps you'll want to use one of the Application Program Interfaces for C, C++, Perl, and others.

Mac OS X Binary Release

We recommend Homebrew which custom builds ImageMagick in your environment (some users prefer MacPorts). Download HomeBrew and type:

ImageMagick depends on Ghostscript fonts. To install them, type:

The brew command downloads ImageMagick and many of its delegate libraries (e.g. JPEG, PNG, Freetype, etc.) and configures, builds, and installs ImageMagick automagically. Alternatively, you can download the ImageMagick Mac OS X distribution we provide:

ImageMagick-x86_64-apple-darwin20.1.0.tar.gzmacOS High Sierra

Verify its message digest.

Create (or choose) a directory to install the package into and change to that directory, for example:

Next, extract the contents of the package. For example:

Download Imagemagick Mac App

Set the MAGICK_HOME environment variable to the path where you extracted the ImageMagick files. For example:

If the bin subdirectory of the extracted package is not already in your executable search path, add it to your PATH environment variable. For example:

Set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

Finally, to verify ImageMagick is working properly, type the following on the command line:

Note, the display program requires the X11 server available on your Mac OS X installation DVD. Once that is installed, you will also need to set export DISPLAY=:0.

The best way to deal with all the exports is to put them at the end of your .profile file

Congratulations, you have a working ImageMagick distribution under Mac OS X and you are ready to use ImageMagick to convert, compose, or edit your images or perhaps you'll want to use one of the Application Program Interfaces for C, C++, Perl, and others.

iOS Binary Release

~Claudio provides iOS builds of ImageMagick.

Download iOS Distribution

You can download the iOS distribution directly from ImageMagick's repository.

There are always 2 packages for the compiled ImageMagick:


The first one includes headers and compiled libraries that have been used to compile ImageMagick. Most users would need this one.

Download Java 9 Mac Brew Pub

ImageMagick compiling script for iOS OS and iOS Simulator

To run the script:

where VERSION is the version of ImageMagick you want to compile (i.e.: 7.0.10-44, svn, ..)

This script compiles ImageMagick as a static library to be included in iOS projects and adds support for

Download imagemagick mac os
  • png
  • jpeg
  • tiff

Upon successful compilation a folder called IMPORT_ME is created on your ~/Desktop. You can import it into your Xcode project.

Xcode project settings

Fnaf 1 2 3 4 and world. After including everything into Xcode please also make sure to have these settings (Build tab of the project information):

  • Other Linker Flags: -lMagickCore-Q16 -lMagickWand-Q16 -ljpeg -lpng -lbz2 -lz
  • Header Search Paths: $(SRCROOT) - make it Recursive
  • Library Search Paths: $(SRCROOT) - make it Recursive

On the lower left click on the small-wheel and select: Add User-Defined Setting

  • Value: -Dmacintosh=1
Sample project

A sample project is available for download. It is not updated too often, but it does give an idea of all the settings and some ways to play around with ImageMagick in an iOS application.


Windows Binary Release

ImageMagick runs on Windows 10 (x86 & x64), Windows 8 (x86 & x64), Windows 7 (x86 & x64), Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2, and Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64).

The amount of memory can be an important factor, especially if you intend to work on large images. A minimum of 512 MB of RAM is recommended, but the more RAM the better. Although ImageMagick runs well on a single core computer, it automagically runs in parallel on multi-core systems reducing run times considerably.

The Windows version of ImageMagick is self-installing. Simply click on the appropriate version below and it will launch itself and ask you a few installation questions. Versions with Q8 in the name are 8 bits-per-pixel component (e.g. 8-bit red, 8-bit green, etc.), whereas, Q16 in the filename are 16 bits-per-pixel component. A Q16 version permits you to read or write 16-bit images without losing precision but requires twice as much resources as the Q8 version. Versions with dll in the filename include ImageMagick libraries as dynamic link libraries. Unless you have a Windows 32-bit OS, we recommend this version of ImageMagick for 64-bit Windows:

ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll.exeWin64 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component

Or choose from these alternate Windows binary distributions:

ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-x64-static.exeWin64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q8-x64-dll.exeWin64 dynamic at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q8-x64-static.exeWin64 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-x64-dll.exeWin64 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll.exeWin64 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-HDRI-x64-static.exeWin64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-x86-dll.exeWin32 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-x86-static.exeWin32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q8-x86-dll.exeWin32 dynamic at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q8-x86-static.exeWin32 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-HDRI-x86-dll.exeWin32 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-Q16-HDRI-x86-static.exeWin32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-portable-Q16-x64.zipPortable Win64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-portable-Q16-x86.zipPortable Win32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-portable-Q8-x64.zipPortable Win64 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-portable-Q8-x86.zipPortable Win32 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-portable-Q16-HDRI-x64.zipPortable Win64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-44-portable-Q16-HDRI-x86.zipPortable Win32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).

Verify its message digest.

To verify ImageMagick is working properly, type the following in an Command Prompt window:

If you have any problems, you likely need vcomp120.dll. To install it, download Visual C++ Redistributable Package.

Note, use a double quote (') rather than a single quote (') for the ImageMagick command line under Windows:

Use two double quotes for VBScript scripts:

Congratulations, you have a working ImageMagick distribution under Windows and you are ready to use ImageMagick to convert, compose, or edit your images or perhaps you'll want to use one of the Application Program Interfaces for C, C++, Perl, and others.

Update III – 2020-05-06: There are now alternatives available to using the official Oracle Java 8 JDK. I’m currently using AdoptOpenJDK‘s version that you can install by usingbrew cask install adoptopenjdk8. So far this seems to do everything I need a JDK for. Just keep in mind that I mostly use my JDKs when I’m working on Clojure code.

Update II – 2019-05-07: It looks like due to the recent licensing changes, the Java 8 JDK that brew used is not directly accessible anymore and likely behind some kind of paywall. The installation method described below will still work as it uses the non-versioned java cask, which installs the latest version of OpenJDK.

Update: The title of this post isn’t quite correct – using the homebrew cask mentioned in this blog post will install the current major version of the Oracle JDK. If you want to install a specific major version of the JDK (6 or 8 at the time of writing), I describe how to do that in this new blog post.

Homebrew Install Java 9

I’ve had a ‘manual’ install of JDK 8 on my Mac for quite a while, mainly to run Clojure. It was the typical “download from the Oracle website, then manually run the installer” deployment. As I move the management of more development tools from manual management over to homebrew, I decided to use homebrew to manage my Java installation also. It’s just so much easier to get updates and update information all in one place. Oh, and installs the same JDK anyway, just without all the additional pointy clicky work.

Mac Brew Java

Removing the existing installation

Fortunately Oracle has uninstall operations on their website. It’s a rather manual approach but at least it is documented and the whole procedure consists of three commands. Unfortunately in my case this didn’t end up uninstalling an older version of the JDK. For some reason, I had ended up with both 1.8.0_60 and 1.8.0_131 installed on my machine, and Oracle’s uninstall instructions didn’t touch the 1.8.0_60 install in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework. I suspect this is an older JDK brought over from the Yosemite install and the consensus on the Internet I could find suggest to leave that alone as the system needs those.

Apparently in older versions of OS X is was possible to run /usr/libexec/java_home -uninstall to get rid of a Java install, but that option does not appear to work in OS X Sierra anymore

Installing Java using Homebrew

The installation via homebrew is about as simple as expected. I have cask installed already, so for me it’s a simple matter of running

and it will install the latest Oracle JDK. You can use

Brew Install Jdk 9

Download Imagemagick Mac

Download Imagemagick Mac Os

to verify which version it will install.

If you haven’t got homebrew installed, follow the installation instructions on and also make sure that you install cask:

Mac Install Imagemagick

Brew Install Java 9

After re-installing the JDK using homebrew, java_home also finally reports the correct version: